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Rating = 1.34648
# Game Map Total Time Rating Time Proportional Time (in %) Rating Games Last Seen
2 Call of Duty 4 mp_creek 22.5 min 7.5 min 5.3% 0.82 2 262d
3 Call of Duty 4 mp_pipeline 25 min 12.5 min 5.9% 0.72 2 265d
4 Call of Duty 4 mp_bog 28.5 min 7 min 6.7% 0.52 3 262d
6 Call of Duty 4 mp_carentan 34.5 min 8.5 min 8.1% 0.44 3 264d
7 Call of Duty 4 mp_bloc 41.5 min 0 secs 9.7% 0 3 263d
10 Call of Duty 4 mp_crash_snow 29 min 0 secs 6.8% 0 2 266d
11 Call of Duty 4 mp_showdown 49 min 0 secs 11.5% 0 4 261d
13 Call of Duty 4 mp_vacant 20.5 min 0 secs 4.8% 0 2 262d
14 Call of Duty 4 mp_overgrown 15.5 min 0 secs 3.6% 0 1 266d
15 Call of Duty 4 mp_cargoship 15.5 min 0 secs 3.6% 0 1 263d
16 Call of Duty 4 mp_convoy 20 min 0 secs 4.7% 0 2 261d
17 Call of Duty 4 mp_strike 19.5 min 0 secs 4.6% 0 2 266d
18 Call of Duty 4 mp_crossfire 26.5 min 0 secs 6.2% 0 2 262d
19 Call of Duty 4 mp_backlot 22.5 min 0 secs 5.3% 0 2 266d
  (7.1 hrs) 57.5 min  
6 map(s) are hidden Show all maps.
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