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Rating = 5.41302
# Game Map Total Time Rating Time Proportional Time (in %) Rating Games Last Seen
1 Call of Duty 4 mp_crossfire 9 days 5 days 12.4% 11.11 880 296d
2 Call of Duty 4 mp_crash 8.7 days 4.4 days 12% 10.37 835 296d
3 Call of Duty 4 mp_vacant 5.1 days 2.9 days 7.1% 8.84 603 296d
4 Call of Duty 4 mp_overgrown 6.5 days 3.2 days 9% 8.8 573 297d
5 Call of Duty 4 mp_showdown 3 days 42.7 hrs 4.1% 8.76 353 319d
7 Call of Duty 4 mp_strike 3.7 days 2.7 days 5.1% 8.62 387 296d
8 Call of Duty 4 mp_carentan 4.5 days 3.2 days 6.3% 8.14 517 296d
9 Call of Duty 4 mp_backlot 5.9 days 3.5 days 8.1% 7.85 659 322d
10 Call of Duty 4 mp_pipeline 3.9 days 2.9 days 5.3% 7.82 424 297d
11 Call of Duty 4 mp_broadcast 4.9 days 3.2 days 6.7% 7.78 524 320d
12 Call of Duty 4 mp_bog 3.2 days 47.1 hrs 4.4% 7.76 380 297d
13 Call of Duty 4 mp_citystreets 4.8 days 3.3 days 6.6% 7.73 541 322d
14 Call of Duty 4 mp_bloc 3.6 days 2.8 days 5% 7.21 406 297d
15 Call of Duty 4 mp_convoy 3.4 days 53.7 hrs 4.7% 7.01 395 296d
  (72.6 days) 44 days  
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